Note that the toolbar above the pdf document in your window will have, as one of it's children (an edit control, I think) a window that contains the character '%'. To initiate this, find and read the windows API documentation on the EnumChildWindows API call. The solution involves programmatically reading the contents of the window that displays the zoom. You can set the page number but not retrieve it. True, you can set the zoom level but not determine it. Where this seems odd to me is that not requiring clients to have Acrobat ($$) would be of high value to you (the developer) in the reduced cost of distribution and licensing. I, like you, went through and through this stuff only to discover that 90% of it doesn't apply. Yet, AFAIK, no where in this document does it simply and explicitly state this fundamental fact, for Reader only - you have this interface and nothing else. It is the interface: IAcroAXDocShimĢ) The document referred to here by thomp - is large and complex, that in and of itself is not a problem. I may be a bit late here in providing your solution, but I want to do so because I solved this and other inane problems not long before your original post, and I very much feel your pain regarding both the lack of functionality with what you have in the pure Reader environment, and in the documentation regarding what or where this functionality is found.ġ) The functionality for pure reader only intercommunication is not only limited, it is indeed, as you have found out - one-directional.